


Generic Name:Infliximab

Manufacturer:Marketed by Unimed & Unihealth Manufacturers Ltd




Crohn's disease, Rheumatoid arthritis, Ulcerative colitis, Ankylosing spondylitis, Psoriatic arthritis, Plaque psoriasis

Adult Dose

Intravenous Crohn's disease Adult: Initially, 5 mg/kg by infusion over at least 2 hr, repeated at 2 wk after 1st infusion. No further doses should be given if there is no response after 2 doses. Responders: Maintenance: 5 mg/kg at 6 wk after initial dose then 8 wkly thereafter. May be re-administered w/in 16 wk after last infusion if signs/symptoms recur. Rheumatoid arthritis Adult: In combination w/ methotrexate: Initially, 3 mg/kg by infusion over at least 2 hr, repeated at 2 wk and 6 wk after 1st infusion then 8 wkly thereafter. May increase dose in increments of 1.5 mg/kg to a max of 7.5 mg/kg 8 wkly if patient has inadequate response or loses response over a period of 12 wk. Alternatively, 3 mg/kg 4 wkly. May be re-administered w/in 16 wk after last infusion if signs/symptoms recur. Fistulising Crohn's disease Adult: Initially, 5 mg/kg by infusion over at least 2 hr, repeated at 2 wk and 6 wk after 1st infusion. No further doses should be given if there is no response after 3 doses. Responders: Maintenance: 5 mg/kg 8 wkly. Re-admin: 5 mg/kg if signs/symptoms recur, followed by 5 mg/kg 8 wkly. Ankylosing spondylitis Adult: Initially, 5 mg/kg, repeated at 2 wk and 6 wk, then 6-8 wkly thereafter. Stop treatment if there is no response after 2 doses. Ulcerative colitis Adult: Initially, 5 mg/kg by infusion over at least 2 hr, repeated at 2 wk and 6 wk after 1st infusion then 8 wkly thereafter. No further doses should be given if there is no response after 3 doses. Psoriatic arthritis; Plaque psoriasis Adult: Initially, 5 mg/kg by infusion over at least 2 hr, repeated at 2 wk and 6 wk, then 8 wkly thereafter. Stop treatment if there is no response after 12 wk for psoriatic arthritis and after 14 wk for plaque psoriaris.

Child Dose

Intravenous Crohn's disease Child: 6-17 yr Initially, 5 mg/kg by infusion over at least 2 hr, repeated at 2 wk and 6 wk after 1st infusion then 8 wkly thereafter. Ulcerative colitis Child: 6-17 yr Initially, 5 mg/kg by infusion over 2 hr, repeated at 2 wk and 6 wk after 1st infusion then 8 wkly thereafter.


Patient w/ TB or other severe infections (e.g. sepsis, abscesses, opportunistic infections), moderate or severe heart failure (NYHA class III or IV).

Mode of Action

Infliximab is a chimeric monoclonal antibody which binds w/ high affinity to the soluble and transmembrane forms of tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) thereby inhibiting binding of TNF-α to its receptors.


Patient w/ mild heart failure (NYHA class I or II), history of blood dyscrasias, chronic or recurrent infection. Childn. Pregnancy and lactation. Patient Counselling This drug may cause dizziness, if affected, do not drive or operate machinery. Monitoring Parameters Monitor for signs and/or symptoms of infection, hypersensitivity reaction, lupus-like syndrome, heart failure, malignancy. Monitor vital signs every 2-10 min if reaction is noted during infusion. Perform hepatitis B virus screening prior to and hepatitis B virus carriers during and several mth after therapy; CBC w/ differential, LFTs.


Increased risk of serious infection and neutropenia w/ anakinra or abatacept. Risk of clinical infections, including disseminated infections w/ concurrent admin of live vaccines.

Alternative brand of Remicade