E Ben

E Ben400mg


Generic Name:Albendazole

Manufacturer:Edruc Ltd.




Echinococcosis Adult: <60 kg: 15 mg/kg daily in 2 divided doses. Max: 800 mg/day. ?60 kg: 400 mg bid. Admin dose for three 28-day cycles w/ a 14-day drug-free interval in between each cycle. Neurocysticercosis Adult: <60 kg: 15 mg/kg daily in 2 divided doses (max: 800 mg/day) for 8-30 days. ?60 kg: 400 mg bid for 8-30 days. Ancylostoma, Ascariasis, Hookworm, Trichostrongylus 400 mg PO once


Increased serum concentrations w/ dexamethasone, praziquantel and cimetidine. Decreased serum concentrations w/ aminoquinoline (antimalarials), carbamazepine, phenobarbital, and phenytoin.

Adult Dose

Monitor blood counts and liver function. Administer within 7 days of start of normal menstruation in women of childbearing age. Adequate nonhormonal contraceptive measures must be taken during and for 1 mth after therapy. Perform liver function tests and blood counts before and every 2 wk during high dose therapy of hydatid disease. Lactation: unknown, use caution.

Renal Dose

Albendazole sulfoxide (active metabolite), causes selective degeneration of cytoplasmic microtubules in intestinal and tegmental cells of intestinal helminths and larvae; glycogen is depleted, glucose uptake and cholinesterase secretion are impaired and desecratory substances accumulate intracellulary. ATP production decreases, causing energy depletion, immobilisation and worm death.


Child: PO 15 mg/kg/day (max 800 mg/day) q12h

Mode of Action

Should be taken with food.


Helminthiasis, Echinococcosis, Neurocysticercosis, Enterobiasis, Ascariasis, Hookworm infections, Strongyloidiasis, Giardiasis, Filariasis

Pregnancy Category Note

>10% Headache,Neurocysticercosis (11%),Hydatid disease (1.3%),Abnormal LFT,Hydatid disease (15.6%),Neurocysticercosis (<1%) 1-10% Abdominal pain,Hydatid disease (6%),Nausea/vomiting,Hydatid disease (3.7%),Neurocysticercosis (6.2%),Dizziness/vertigo,Hydatid disease (1.2%),Neurocysticercosis (<1%),Increased intracranial pressure,Neurocysticercosis (1%),Meningeal signs,Neurocysticercosis (1%),Alopecia (reversible),Hydatid disease (1.6%),Neurocysticercosis (<1%),Fever,Hydatid disease (1%) <1% (selected) Rash,Urticaria,Agranulocytosis,Aplastic anemia,Bone marrow suppression,Granulocytopenia,Pancytopenia,Thrombocytopenia,Hepatitis,Acute liver failure,Acute renal failure Potentially Fatal: Bone marrow depression.


Pregnancy and lactation. Neonates. Hypersensitivity, liver impairment.

Alternative brand of E Ben


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  • Suspension
  • Albendazole

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  • 400mg
  • Tablet
  • Albendazole

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Eskayef Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

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  • 400mg
  • Tablet
  • Albendazole

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Mystic Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


  • 200mg/5ml
  • Suspension
  • Albendazole

Price: ৳0.00

Albion Laboratories Ltd.


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  • Oral Suspension
  • Albendazole

Price: ৳20.10

Drug International Ltd.

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  • Tablet
  • Albendazole

Price: ৳5.00

General Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Aldoben DSAldoben DS

  • 400mg
  • Tablet
  • Albendazole

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Benham Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


  • 400mg
  • Tablet
  • Albendazole

Price: ৳4.00

Astra Biopharmaceuticals Ltd.

Parnil DSParnil DS

  • 400mg
  • Tablet
  • Albendazole

Price: ৳250.00

Euro Pharma Ltd.


  • 400mg
  • Tablet
  • Albendazole

Price: ৳4.00

Millat Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


  • 400mg
  • Tablet
  • Albendazole

Price: ৳4.02

Rangs Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


  • 200mg/5ml
  • Suspension
  • Albendazole

Price: ৳15.00

Everest Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

A Ben DS 400A Ben DS 400

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  • Tablet
  • Albendazole

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Team Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

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  • 400mg
  • Tablet
  • Albendazole

Price: ৳5.00

Ziska Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


  • 400mg
  • Tablet
  • Albendazole

Price: ৳4.00

Doctor's Chemicals Works Ltd.


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  • Suspension
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Gaco Pharmaceuticals(G.A Company Ltd)


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  • Suspension
  • Albendazole

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Supreme Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

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  • 400mg
  • Tablet
  • Albendazole

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Nipa Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


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  • Tablet
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Price: ৳5.14

Reliance Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

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  • Tablet
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Biopharma Ltd.